Architectural S
After working shifts for many years and only dabbling in carving when time and family allowed, I decided that with a change of job I would treat myself to joining a carving group and try and take the hobby up on a more serious manner. We were first guided through chip carving and then on to the first piece of proper carving of an architectural S. Bob, our tutor, encouraged us to play around with the design and see what we came up with. It depended on the wood, which was a plain old piece of well seasoned pine, on how it turned out. After working on it for a few weeks this is what I came ups with. As you can see it didn’t turn out fully according to plan(see below). Sel a Ve.
The wood, as in all carvings, dictated the final outcome as some bits dropped off in the working and glue wasn’t allowed. Most carvers will be acquainted with this design and the uses it has in teaching carving ‘the way of the grain’ when trying to shape wood in all different directions is unmeasurable. As such, I have introduced it as a teaching idea within the Cleveland Carving Club. Only I try and broaden it to individuals initials and add something personal to the member.
I have added the design below for others to copy and an example of one of the member’s ideas which he used as his son had been An army Commando. The A is of my own design and freely available to others to use. The S came off Pinterest.